Saturday, July 4, 2015

Home Remedies for Headache - Cure Headache Tips

Home Remedies for Headache - Cure Headache Tips
Home Remedies for Headache - Cure Headache Tips
Medical terminology defines a headache as a condition of the head of an individual that presents pain within the head. Due to the intensity of discomfort and nagging levels of pain that are associated with such malady, sets suffering individuals in a desperate search of alleviation for home remedies for headache. Of any pain in conjunction with all encompassing ailments, headaches rank among the highest reported complaints where discomfort is associated.

Towards afflicted individuals acquisitions, in securing viable home remedies for headache, it is supportive to be aware of what aspects contribute to headaches. As an encouraging forward, the broad scope of headaches are benign and limited to one's confined circumstance amongst occurrence. General contributors to the development of headaches, include, cluster, dehydration, eyestrain, migraine, sinusitis, stress and tension. Onsets of a physically induced headache are headache, hormonal issues, and injury to the head. Extreme circumstances, incorporating headaches, are conditions such as, brain tumors, cerebral aneurysms, elevated high blood pressure, encephalitis and meningitis. Due to the more common and frequent natures of headaches validates those individuals experiencing such temporary ailment to procure home remedies for headache.

As a preface to presenting options in home remedies for headache, an overall and historic measure is for individuals who suffer from generalized headaches to analyze the circumstance that may create or trigger realized headaches. In the majority of cases, the occurrence of headaches can be traced to either particular foods or stress. Hence, as a precautionary safeguard approach inclusive of home remedies for headache, would be to determine the sources that initiate headaches. For example, if a certain food is the culprit, the individual afflicted should eliminate such element from his or her diet. Should stress be the catalyst of headaches, adjustments in environment should be considered and addressed.

In the contemplation, as to the best modes of the afflicted, in determining optimal home remedies for headache, it is supportive for such individuals to have awareness, as to the biological composition of a headache. In itself, the brain is void of sensitivity to the pain that is associated with headaches. The brain is not anatomically structured with such nerve fibers to sense direct levels of pain. Other areas of the head realize pain, and, as a sensed result, hurt.

A complex network of nerves that encompass a number of nerves within the scalp, face, mouth and throat, as well as associated blood vessels and muscles within the head, perceive the pain, which, as a result, is well-realized by the individual suffering from a headache. Therefore, due to the localization and intensity of the level and degree of pain, initiates the affected individual to seek out relief amid home remedies for headache. In deriving at the best course of active treatment amongst home remedies for headache, is to assess the type of headache being presented. Headaches, in their respective natures, are among the following five categories - cervicogenic, inflammatory, myogenic-muscle tension, and, vascular.

Amid ascertaining treatment modes in home remedies for headache is to comprehend each category and its effects. Migraine headaches, which fall into the vascular type, are extremely problematic and disabling, due to the severity of pain on either one or both sides of the head, and are clinically diagnosed as neurological. Another nature of vascular-related headaches is cluster headaches that will evolve into repetitive occurrences of excruciating pain, as a result of high blood pressure. When a headache is related to tight and tense facial, forehead and neck muscles, it is typed as a myogenic or muscular related headache, clinically termed myogenic.

Headaches that are realized in conjunction with anatomical structure by way of cervical rooting, are relevant to a neck disorder of some variation, and, are medically determined as cervicogenic in character. Associated factors incorporate limited range of motion, neck movement, awkward positioning of the head, shoulder and arm pain. Inflammatory or traction related headaches are symptomatic to diverse disorders involving such maladies as sinusitis or stroke.

Inclusive to an afflicted individual researching home remedies for headache is to apply specifics as to the type and nature of the presented headache, in establishing appropriate home remedies for headache. Among the most common varieties of headaches are tension, migraine, brain freeze, hypertension, ictal, thunderclap, vascular, toxic, coital, hemicranias, rebound, red wine, and spinal-related.           

Hearing Loss in Children: The Importance of Early Detection

The Importance of Early Detection Hearing Loss For Children
Hearing loss is a condition that usually affects elderly but children can also acquired this condition. Loss of hearing can greatly affect children, if left undetected and untreated it will affect the child's speech development, social and learning skills.

There are two principal type of hearing loss in children, it can be congenital and acquired. These losses may be sensorineural, conductive or combination of two.
There are many possible causes of congenital loss. Pregnancy related causes like premature birth could cause hearing loss because the auditory system is not yet fully developed. Rubella, syphilis, Cytomegalovirus can affect the fetus and relate to progressive hearing loss, even mental retardation and blindness. Ototoxic medication, which was taken during pregnancy, could also cause hearing loss so avoid taking medicine during preganancy and if it cannot be avoided, consult a doctor before taking any medication. Hereditary or genetic factor can also be a factor, usually the parents are not really suffering from loss of hearing but they can be carriers that transmit the condition to their children.

Hearing loss could also be acquired if a child got meningitis, measles or other viral infection. One way to avoid viral infection in infant is breastfeeding. Breastfed babies have stronger immune system. Neglected middle ear infections can also cause loss, and damage eardrum due to excessive noise like loud music causes damage and eventual loss, this is usually the cause of hearing loss in teenagers. Head injury cause by physical trauma and taking ototoxic medicine can also cause this condition.

Normally, hearing in young children is temporary, and caused by earwax or middle-ear infections. With proper treatment and sometimes surgery this condition can be cured. If the condition is permanent, hearing aid can be used.

For children early detection is important so its regular practice in most hospitals to perform hearing tests for babies shortly after delivery. There are two tests that are available: Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) and auditory brain stem response (ABR). The primary purpose of otoacoustic emission (OAE) tests is to determine cochlear status, specifically hair cell function. The ABR test measures the reaction of the parts of a child's nervous system that affect hearing. An ABR test is often ordered if a newborn fails the hearing screening test given in the hospital shortly after birth, or for older children if there is a suspicion of hearing loss that was not confirmed through more conventional hearing tests.

For parents there are noticeable physical symptoms that your child is suffering from hearing loss. If your child turn up the volume of TV or radio too high, most of the time respond inappropriately to questions or does not even reply when you call him/her, low academic performance, delay development in speech, could not follow or understand simple instruction and most of the time complain of headache, ear pain or head noise or tinnitus.

These signs does not automatically means that your child has hearing problem but just to make sure to get the correct diagnosis consult your pediatrician if you see one of the symptoms above.           

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hearing Loss and the Contributing Factors

There are multiple reasons for hearing loss in adults. This can happen due to an illness, over exposure to loud noise, tumors in the ears, brain injury, or by taking drugs for other conditions that cause damage to the ears. Hearing loss can also come from the normal aging process. As the body grows older, the ear sometimes has difficulty transmitting sound the way it did in earlier years. In adults this can happen alone or alongside a persistent ringing in the ears called tinnitus.

These are just some of the more common causes of adult hearing loss.

Hearing Loss and the Contributing Factors

Otosclerosis causes conductive loss. This is a disease in the middle ear that affects how the bones which help transmit sound move. This type of loss makes it difficult to distinguish individual noises in a crowd. It does not have to be permanent; otosclerosis can be treated surgically.

Meniere's disease is a combination of factors that can affect both hearing and balance. This condition usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. Its cause is as yet unknown. Meniere's disease causes severe dizziness, constant ringing in the ears, increased sensitivity to loud noises, and sensory hearing loss. The loss at first comes and goes, but is more permanent over time. Severity of symptoms varies from one patient to another. The loss cannot be reversed, but with the help of an audiologist it can be managed.

Sometimes, hearing loss can be caused by confusion in the body itself. The immune system can mistake healthy cells in the inner ear for bacteria or viruses. When this happens, loss is rapid and dramatic. The loss from such an autoimmune inner ear disease cannot be reversed, but it can be greatly reduced with proper, swift treatment.

Certain medications can lead this loss also. These medications include-but are not limited to-certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and large quantities of aspirin.

Noise-induced hearing loss is exactly what it sounds like-hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noises, most often over a long period of time. The noise could be loud music, a sudden explosion, or mechanical equipment. The vibrations from these loud noises can damage the hair cells in the cochlea, causing them to stop functioning as necessary for hearing.

Tumors in the ear structure can cause tinnitus or loss in one ear, along with a feeling that the ear is full. These tumors can be treated medically. In some cases, the hearing loss can be reversed after proper treatment.

Various types of head injury can cause hearing loss. Damage to the middle ear and punctures to the ear drum can cause loss, as can skull fractures and other traumatic injuries to the brain. The severity of the loss, as well as its permanence, is dependent upon the location, severity, and cause of the injury.

Age-related loss, or presbycusis, is sensory hearing loss that occurs later in life. This happens over time, often in small steps, and normally affects both ears. First the ability to distinguish high-pitched sounds is affected, causing speech to become unclear or muffled. It is often difficult to distinguish between rhyming words, because of how the pitch is perceived in the aging ear.           

Hearing Loss In Children - What You Need To Know

Hearing loss does not only affect people approaching old age. It is also prevalent in children. In fact, hearing loss is being detected in children at a younger age than ever before.

Type of hearing loss

Hearing Loss In Children

The most common type of hearing loss among children is called sensorineural which occurs due to damage of the inner ear.  The damage can be caused by an infection, injury or most commonly, through exposure to loud noise. This type of damage cannot be repaired.

While sensorineural hearing loss does not permanently improve, it also does not get any worse.  It involves a lowering in the ability to hear soft sounds, to hear clearly and can affect how well you understand speech.  Typically, this type of hearing loss can be improved through the use of a hearing aid.  Other types of hearing loss are conductive and mixed.  Conductive hearing loss is when sounds are not conducted to the inner ear properly and can often be corrected with surgery.  Mixed hearing loss involves both sensorineural and conductive.  A hearing professional can assess the type and degree of hearing loss your child has.

What causes hearing loss in children

Most types of hearing loss is not genetic but is noise-induced, brought on through outside noise that is too loud.  There are noises that you have no control over and then there are noises that you create yourself.

Loud music, particularly music played directly into the ear via ear buds, is one way that kids are getting exposed to noise that can damage the ears.  A recent study in Australia found that children as young as three have shown signs of permanent hearing loss due to listening to loud music. Do you know that listening to music that is too loud for more than 5 to 10 minutes can produce hearing damage Shocking but true.

Another similar cause of hearing loss is playing musical instruments too loudly.  It is found that playing and practicing in a school band or orchestra can actually cause hearing loss.  This is true when the music is practiced in an enclosed area.  The National Association for Music Education (MENC) even issued a statement that educators need to recognize music as a cause of noise-induced hearing loss.
What can To Be Done
The most important thing you can do as a parent is to become aware of the hazards of noise-induced hearing loss.  Familiarize yourself with the causes of hearing loss and teach your children to take preventative measures.

First, try to ensure that you enforce strict volume guidelines on things such as iPod and other listening devices.  Listen to the device yourself to determine what you feel are safe volume levels.

Get your children to use earplugs.  Just like the helmet helps keep a child safe and protected when riding a bicycle, earplugs can help keep ears safe from loud noises.  Ensure that your child wears the earplugs when practicing in the band or even when mowing the lawn.

The lesson here is to be forewarned.  Use precautions and common sense to set limits for children.  Teach them the importance of taking care of their hearing and help them understand when noise levels are too loud.