Monday, March 11, 2013

Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss

Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss
Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss

Sudden hearing loss, is sudden deafness, where the ability to hear is lost snappy in a short time. It could happen in both the ear, or may pertain to a single ear. Many a times, sudden loss of hearing is accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in the ear)  and sometime even loss of balance, or dizziness. It may be caused by a sudden conductive impairment, or a sensorineural origin.

When a person cannot hear sounds within 30 decibels or more, in three various frequencies for aver a period of 3 days, it is diagnosed to be a case of sudden loss of hearing. Some of the causes that result in sudden hearing loss are :

1. Trauma
2. Infections (Viral or Bacterial) 
3. Ototoxic Drugs
4. Head Injury
5. Meningitis
6. Temporal Bone rupture
7. Circulatory disorder causing reduced lumber of blood in the inner ear. 
8. Diseases of the inner ear like Meniere's diseases
9. Neurological disorders
10. Upper respiratory tract infection
11. Smoking
12. Trauma to the ear due to prolonged exposure to loud sounds etc.

Most people who have experienced sudden loss of hearing have complained of discharge or pus from the ear, vertigo, injure in the ear, tinnitus, and have a history of being exposed to loud sound. Treatment of cases presenting with sudden hearing loss depends on the cause. Most patients are place on vasodilators to improve the circulation of blood to the cochlea and improve inner ear sensitivity. Hearing befriend is conventional besides steroid in the treatment of this condition.

It is very valuable to treat children with ear infection of the upper respiratory infection to avoid conditions leading to hearing defects. Besides, children being young are unable to convey their harm and feelings. So it is primary to remove care of ear infections if any or treat upper respiratory tract infections timely. Avoid exposure to loud noises like listening to loud music over head phones or television etc.

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